Product Name:Ethyl 5-amino-1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylate

IUPAC Name:ethyl 5-amino-1-[(4-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylate

Molecular Formula:C14H17N3O3
Catalog Number:CM331219
Molecular Weight:275.3

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Product Details

CAS NO:384835-92-1
Molecular Formula:C14H17N3O3
Melting Point:-
Smiles Code:NC1=C(C(OCC)=O)C=NN1CC2=CC=C(OC)C=C2
Catalog Number:CM331219
Molecular Weight:275.3
Boiling Point:

Category Infos

Pyrazoles are organic compounds of the general formula C3H3N2H. It is a five-membered heterocycle consisting of three carbon atoms and two adjacent nitrogen atoms. As an H-bond-donating heterocycle, pyrazole has been used as a more lipophilic and metabolically more stable bioisomer of phenol. Pyrazoles have attracted more and more attention due to their broad spectrum of action and strong efficacy.
Custom pyrazone for customers from all over the world are our main business.
Benzene is an important organic compound with the chemical formula C6H6, and its molecule consists of a ring of 6 carbon atoms, each with 1 hydrogen atom. Benzene is a sweet, flammable, colorless and transparent liquid with carcinogenic toxicity at room temperature, and has a strong aromatic odor. It is insoluble in water, easily soluble in organic solvents, and can also be used as an organic solvent itself. The ring system of benzene is called benzene ring, and the structure after removing one hydrogen atom from the benzene ring is called phenyl. Benzene is one of the most important basic organic chemical raw materials. Many important chemical intermediates can be derived from benzene through substitution reaction, addition reaction and benzene ring cleavage reaction.

Column Infos

Data from a phase 1b study of Quemliclustat-based regimens showed promising overall survival in treatment-naïve metastatic pancreatic cancer. Median Overall Survival was 15.7 months for all patients treated with 100 mg quemliclustat-based regimens in the ARC-8 study, which exceeds the historical benchmark data for chemotherapy alone.
Quemliclustat is an investigational, potent and selective small molecule CD73 inhibitor. CD73 is the primary enzymatic producer of immunosuppressive adenosine in the tumor microenvironment, and high CD73 expression is associated with significantly poorer prognosis in several tumor types. Quemliclustat has been shown to block the production of adenosine. Once the immunosuppressive effects of adenosine are removed, activation of antitumor immune cells may be restored, resulting in cancer cell death.

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