Product Name:Anthracene-2-carboxylic acid

IUPAC Name:anthracene-2-carboxylic acid

Molecular Formula:C15H10O2
Catalog Number:CM276225
Molecular Weight:222.24

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Product Details

CAS NO:613-08-1
Molecular Formula:C15H10O2
Melting Point:-
Smiles Code:O=C(C1=CC=C2C=C3C=CC=CC3=CC2=C1)O
Catalog Number:CM276225
Molecular Weight:222.24
Boiling Point:435.4°C at 760 mmHg
MDL No:MFCD00142865
Storage:Store at 2-8°C.

Category Infos

Anthracene is a condensed aromatic hydrocarbon containing three rings. The center of the three rings of anthracene is in a straight line, which is the isomer of phenanthrene. The chemical activity of the 9 and 10 positions in the anthracene molecule is relatively high. It is oxidized with nitric acid to generate 9, 10-anthraquinone, which is an important intermediate for the synthesis of anthraquinone dyes. Anthracene can also act as a conjugated diene in a Diels-Alder reaction with maleic anhydride.

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